Case study:
Claims Management

Introduction and Key Issues
Company A is a NW SME demolition contractor trading for over 23 years – direct to clients and as sub contractor to T1 Contractors.
Having been awarded a contract for a Banking Client via a Main contractor – Company A found themselves being under paid and in conflict.
Recovery of funds due against WIP and route to determination, and actions to avoid it occurring again – IDP innovation challenge intervention
Summarising the Outcomes
Recovery of cash against WIP sum in intervention period of over £360,000 • Transferable / replicatable process to inform communication approach and future management strategy of T1 interface • Methodology and actions to reduce risk of future repetition of this scenario – potential client assessment checks and validation, prior to accepting awards and opportunities. • Upskilling of key team members • beneficial use of 3rd party networks.
Through good intentions and a hunger for business, Company A found themselves in a complex project within their technical capabilities and experience, … but outside their commercial skills and experience of dealing with a confrontational exploitative main contractor. The situation could have been avoided by a more robust opportunity suitability protocol and process. (IDP consultancy intervention outcome.
For the intervention and outputs read the full case study (click here).
Excerpt from the case study showing the summary and conclusion.